Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Blendah Babe Winter Sickness Fighter

It is that time of year where germs are spreading like wildfire.  Between the flu, colds, and coughs there is little we can do to escape getting some sort of bug during the winter.

Sure, we follow the age old advice we've known forever.....constantly washing our hands, making sure we get plenty of sleep, eating our vegetables.... Sometimes all of that just isn't enough.  

If you feel a cold or flu-like symptoms coming on, we have a great sickness fighter drink for you to drink at home to help alleviate your symptoms and get you back to feeling 100% in no time.  

Blendah Babes Winter Sickness Fighter :
*Slices of Lemon
*Ginger chunk (peeled)
*Slices of orange
*2 garlic cloves (peeled)
*Natural honey

Place lemon, ginger, orange, and garlic in a pot and fill with water. Bring to a boil.  Once fully boiled, strain liquid into cup and add honey to taste. Drink.  Repeat.  

Let us know if you give our concoction a try, and what you use to fight off germs and stay well.  

Monday, December 21, 2015

Yummy Chocolate Chip Cookies…Gluten Free!

Who doesn’t love a warm chocolate chip cookie dipped in cold milk in December?  The sweet and comforting taste of a homemade chocolate chip cookie instantly brings me back to childhood. 

This season I wanted to bake a gluten free version of the famous cookie.  I think we all know someone with gluten sensitivity, so it’s nice to have gluten free options around the holidays. 

Plus, I wanted a cookie around my house I could eat and not feel “bloated” after.  You know, the feeling you get after you consume flour and sugar.  That can’t move, heavy stomach, can’t button your pants kind of feeling?

So…poof! Here is the recipe for a semi-guilt free, but 100% gluten free chocolate chip cookie. Enjoy!

Makes about 20 cookies

2-¼ cup oat flour
¼ cup white sugar
¼ cup brown sugar
½ tsp. baking soda
½ tsp. salt
1 stick of butter (softened)
1 tsp. vanilla
1 egg
¾ cup dark chocolate chips

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.
Combine all dry ingredients in a large bowl (except chocolate chips) and mix well.  Beat in softened butter.
Combine all wet ingredients in a separate bowl and mix well. Add the wet ingredients to the dry, and mix well. Fold in chocolate chips.

Line cookie sheet.

Place tsp. sized dollops of the dough onto the cookie sheet, giving each enough room to expand when cooking. Bake for 6-8 minutes. Let cool, and enjoy!

*To make your own oat flour (which is what I do), place 2-¼ cup of gluten free rolled oats into a blender or food processer until they are broken down into flour.

*These cookies only have 5 grams of sugar per cookie! 

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Tips to Stay Healthy During the Holidays

After a very long hiatus we are thrilled to announce Carlie & Carley's blog is back up in action. We had a remarkable first season operating on the South Shore out of our mobile smoothie kitchen. We got to meet so many wonderful people, and really dug our feet into getting our business up and running. We can not wait for an even better season on wheels in 2016 and we have some new and exciting things coming for you all this winter. 

This time of year is extremely crazy for everyone---- work deadlines, holiday parties, family visits..... so much to do/so little time. It can be extremely difficult anytime of year to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but I think the holidays are toughest on everyone.  It is fine to indulge and enjoy (after all, that is what the holidays are for) but you shouldn't let one or two days turn into an entire month. There are some key things we can do to keep up our active and healthy lifestyles this time of year.

1. Staying Active
Maintaining a regular work out schedule can become almost impossible as time limited and there is so much to do for the holidays. Taking 30 minutes a day, at any time just to stay active can help a lot. We have been lucky this year that the weather has been warmer and mild, so I have been taking long walks with my dog around the neighborhood each day. Being 7 1/2 months pregnant this is about the only exercise  I feel up to doing now a days, so I make it a priority to get some fresh air and my steps in whenever possible.  If you don't have enough time to hit the gym, try working out at home before work or in the evening. There are so many free workouts on the web that are quick and efffective--especially on YouTube. Some of our go-to's are Kayla Itsines, Tone It Up, and Fitness Blender.  

2. Staying Hydrated 
This time of year comes with its fair share of extra alcoholic and sugary beverages. Work parties, holiday parties, New Years...... . As fun as it is to indulge, extra alcohol intake can dehydrate you very easily. Try squeezing in 1-2 extra glasses of water a day, and making sure to moisturize your skin daily.  Drinking water will help flush the added toxins out of your body and help you to regain the added energy you need to tackle the next get-together.

3. Eat Before You Go Out
This  used to be the most difficult for me. I would rush to get ready for a party or holiday event and not eat beforehand knowing there would be plenty of food there. Then, when I got to the party I would binge eat on all of the baked treats, fried foods, and everything and anything in between.  I have found that if I eat a  home cooked meal before I go out, I am less tempted to go for that second brownie at the party. 

4. Daily Smoothies...Of course!
 Consuming a healthy smoothie daily is such a great way to get in extra vitamins and nutrients that we might not get otherwise this time of year. Load up your blender up with leafy greens, fresh fruit, vegan seeds & milk.  In minutes you can drink up to feel full and energized from  pure ingredients. 

What is your favorite tip to stay healthy this time of year? Comment below to share with us!