Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Beat the Winter Blues!

The winter is a beautiful time of year. The air is cold and crisp, the ground is white, and there's just something about falling snow. However…the best part of winter seems to be spring. Knowing spring is coming is what helps us all get through the bitter days of isolation and house arrest.

So what can do about the winter blues? Here's what…

1.) Let in the light!
Lack of sun equals a lack in Vitamin D. A lack in Vitamin D can contribute to seasonal depression. Let in the light as often as possible. Roll up the shades, open the curtains, turn on the lights, and spend a few minutes outside in the sunshine each day. Vitamin D is also found in fatty fish like wild salmon, egg yolks, milk, and supplements.  As always it's important to check with your doctor for your recommended amount of Vitamin D before making any changes to your diet.

2.) Get into the groove!
Schedule a daily exercise routine for your self. Our bodies are made to move. Whether its cardio, weight training, dancing, yoga, kick boxing, or simply a walk it's important to do something. Exercise reduces stress hormones and increases happy hormones. Win, win!
As always it's important to check with your doctor before beginning a new exercise routine if there are any health concerns.

3.) Eat well!
Eat mostly plants. Veggies, fruits, whole grains, lean protein, healthy fats. Minimize packaged foods and maximize your intake from the Earth. Reducing your simple carbohydrate intake (sugar/flour) and increasing your complex carbohydrate intake will help keep your body balanced and moods stabilized.  Don't forget to drink plenty of water through out the day too.

4. Set a goal!
This can be your New Years resolution, a new hobby, or that old something you've always wanted to accomplish. Having something to strive for gives us purpose which gives us peace and happiness. Focus on something, set the strategy, and go for it!

5. Embrace the Winter Wonderland!
Try to embrace the winter by engaging in activities that only the winter can provide. Making a snow man, skiing, ice skating, sledding, snow angels, winter walks. Making hot apple cider or eggnog, enjoying peppermint tea, baking, or cooking chili. Watching a hockey game, snuggling by the fire, reading a book under a blanket, wearing warm slippers. By embracing the winter you are making the most of it, thus living in the moment, thus pure joy. 

What are some things that make you happy in the winter?

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

For The Love of Ginger!

Not only do we love the spicy zing we get from using fresh ginger, we love that using only a little bit can add many health benefits to our daily life.
 Did you know fresh ginger root has been used for centuries for medicinal purposes? There are SO many benefits that come from consuming ginger---it is not just for spice or flavor!

Ever wonder why you are told to drink ginger ale when you have a tummy ache? That is because ginger helps to reduce nausea and vomiting. I am prone to motion sickness, especially in boats on open water. Adding ginger to my diet on days I am planning to head out on a boat with family and friends helps to ensure I don't turn as green as the sea! 

Feel a cold coming on? Ginger is a great additive to tea to help warm your body and aide you back to good health in no time. The soothing properties of ginger help calm your body. It is also known to act as a great decongestant and sore throat soother. 

Another proven benefit of ginger is it is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Sore after a tough work out? Try adding some ginger into your protein smoothie to recover.   Consuming ginger can alleviate muscle pain or swelling, and is known to help with menstrual cramps. Ginger also helps to keep your blood flowing to help improve circulation.  

Looking to add some ginger root into your diet? Here is a smoothie recipe we love to make at home. The combination of pineapple and ginger is downright delicious , let us know if you agree! 

The Green Ginger:
1 1/4 cup milk of choice (We love unsweetened almond milk)
3/4 cup fresh pineapple 
1-2 handfuls of spinach 
1/2 frozen banana 
1 small nub of ginger root, peeled (to taste)

Combine all ingredients into blender and blend. Once smooth, pour and enjoy! 

*Pressed for time? If you prepare the spinach, pineapple, and banana ahead of time you can freeze them all together. Then, when you get a hankering for a fresh delicious smoothie, just pop the frozen ingredients into your blender with the milk and ginger. Voila!