Sunday, January 3, 2016

Let's Make this New Year a Happy One

It's that time of year again…

Time for new beginnings, new promises, new resolutions.  This is the time of year we all have hope.  We have a fresh start, a real chance to do this new year the way we truly want.  

The most common new year resolution is to be healthier this year than the last.  This results in fitness centers and gyms having the most membership joins in January than every other month in the year.  People really try to eat healthier in the beginning of the new year, or go on a cleanse.  

In addition to becoming healthier in January, people will also attempt to spend less money, enjoy life to the fullest, and maybe try to become more organized.  These are all very wonderful, positive things that would make us all feel better about ourselves.  We can achieve our goals if we actively pursue them.  

So then why do we stop going to the new gym by March 1st?  Why do we begin eating all of those foods we attempted to "give up"?  Why do we find ourselves repeating the same pattern of making resolutions and eventually breaking them each year?

Well, because we are human of course! We live in a very fast paced, stressful world where our new year resolution goes out the window when we have 10 minutes between meetings and picking up the kids to grab a bite to eat. 

We put a lot of pressure on ourselves in January to be a better person.  What if we all decided on one resolution this year?  One that's difficult in today's world, but completely free.  They do say the best things in life are free.  So this one resolution could bring you peace, freedom, and the clarity you need to focus on your goals.  What is it, you ask?

To be completely present.

That's it! These four words are the key.  To live in the moment is the truest form of happiness.  This is a huge challenge, especially today.  We are always worrying and planning and wanting more, more, more.  So to strive to live in the moment is the best way to truly enjoy life.  Being present allows us to stop worrying about the future and allows us to stop replaying the past in our minds.  It gives us the freedom to focus on one moment at a time, one task at a time, one person at a time.  It is the foundation for a happy life.  

The trick is to focus on the current moment.  Put your phone down.  Take one moment and one day at a time.  Remind yourself to stay present.  This is the best new year resolution you can give yourself: the gift of being present. 

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