Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Beat the Winter Blues!

The winter is a beautiful time of year. The air is cold and crisp, the ground is white, and there's just something about falling snow. However…the best part of winter seems to be spring. Knowing spring is coming is what helps us all get through the bitter days of isolation and house arrest.

So what can do about the winter blues? Here's what…

1.) Let in the light!
Lack of sun equals a lack in Vitamin D. A lack in Vitamin D can contribute to seasonal depression. Let in the light as often as possible. Roll up the shades, open the curtains, turn on the lights, and spend a few minutes outside in the sunshine each day. Vitamin D is also found in fatty fish like wild salmon, egg yolks, milk, and supplements.  As always it's important to check with your doctor for your recommended amount of Vitamin D before making any changes to your diet.

2.) Get into the groove!
Schedule a daily exercise routine for your self. Our bodies are made to move. Whether its cardio, weight training, dancing, yoga, kick boxing, or simply a walk it's important to do something. Exercise reduces stress hormones and increases happy hormones. Win, win!
As always it's important to check with your doctor before beginning a new exercise routine if there are any health concerns.

3.) Eat well!
Eat mostly plants. Veggies, fruits, whole grains, lean protein, healthy fats. Minimize packaged foods and maximize your intake from the Earth. Reducing your simple carbohydrate intake (sugar/flour) and increasing your complex carbohydrate intake will help keep your body balanced and moods stabilized.  Don't forget to drink plenty of water through out the day too.

4. Set a goal!
This can be your New Years resolution, a new hobby, or that old something you've always wanted to accomplish. Having something to strive for gives us purpose which gives us peace and happiness. Focus on something, set the strategy, and go for it!

5. Embrace the Winter Wonderland!
Try to embrace the winter by engaging in activities that only the winter can provide. Making a snow man, skiing, ice skating, sledding, snow angels, winter walks. Making hot apple cider or eggnog, enjoying peppermint tea, baking, or cooking chili. Watching a hockey game, snuggling by the fire, reading a book under a blanket, wearing warm slippers. By embracing the winter you are making the most of it, thus living in the moment, thus pure joy. 

What are some things that make you happy in the winter?

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

For The Love of Ginger!

Not only do we love the spicy zing we get from using fresh ginger, we love that using only a little bit can add many health benefits to our daily life.
 Did you know fresh ginger root has been used for centuries for medicinal purposes? There are SO many benefits that come from consuming ginger---it is not just for spice or flavor!

Ever wonder why you are told to drink ginger ale when you have a tummy ache? That is because ginger helps to reduce nausea and vomiting. I am prone to motion sickness, especially in boats on open water. Adding ginger to my diet on days I am planning to head out on a boat with family and friends helps to ensure I don't turn as green as the sea! 

Feel a cold coming on? Ginger is a great additive to tea to help warm your body and aide you back to good health in no time. The soothing properties of ginger help calm your body. It is also known to act as a great decongestant and sore throat soother. 

Another proven benefit of ginger is it is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Sore after a tough work out? Try adding some ginger into your protein smoothie to recover.   Consuming ginger can alleviate muscle pain or swelling, and is known to help with menstrual cramps. Ginger also helps to keep your blood flowing to help improve circulation.  

Looking to add some ginger root into your diet? Here is a smoothie recipe we love to make at home. The combination of pineapple and ginger is downright delicious , let us know if you agree! 

The Green Ginger:
1 1/4 cup milk of choice (We love unsweetened almond milk)
3/4 cup fresh pineapple 
1-2 handfuls of spinach 
1/2 frozen banana 
1 small nub of ginger root, peeled (to taste)

Combine all ingredients into blender and blend. Once smooth, pour and enjoy! 

*Pressed for time? If you prepare the spinach, pineapple, and banana ahead of time you can freeze them all together. Then, when you get a hankering for a fresh delicious smoothie, just pop the frozen ingredients into your blender with the milk and ginger. Voila! 

Friday, January 29, 2016

Why We Love Yoga

"Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self." ~The Bhagavad Gita

Yoga is an ancient practice with three main objectives: strength, flexibility, and focus.  Its beautiful sequence of movements is designed to promote balance and health of the mind and body.  There are many paths of yoga, some which include: Bhakti, Jnana, Karma, Raja, Mantra, and Hatha.  Each path holds it's own journey and philosophy, but ultimately yoga is practiced in "quest for remembering our true nature and our deepest selves."(Kirk p.1)

Our current society is fast paced and driven to make us feel that we always need more.  Yoga allows us to regain focus on what is truly important: peace, happiness, health, and purpose.  Practicing yoga on a weekly basis is a great way to relieve stress and gain strength.

There are yoga classes for all levels and can be found now more than ever in local communities.  You can practice yoga at home or in a studio.  We recommend trying both.  There's nothing like working on your inner self and practicing alone, but then there's also something very special about connecting with a group of people all working towards the same goal.

If you're looking for a great workout or a gentle practice, in search for inner peace, or need healing there is a form of yoga out there for you.  Remember, it's always important to consult your doctor before exercising if there are any health concerns.

Feeling relaxed and at peace, but full of accomplishment after a yoga session is a wonderful experience.   First timers or advanced pros, what are your thoughts on yoga?

Namaste. (Which means, the spirit in me salutes the spirit in you :)

Sunday, January 17, 2016

On-The-Move Healthy Snacks!

Who else feels constantly busy and pressed for time? I find myself on the go more often than not-always running here and there. And then it always hits me...hunger. 
We don't have time to whip up a healthy meal or snack when we are living our demanding lifestyles..and if we haven't taken the time to meal prep or pack healthy options we can be stuck grabbing whatever is easiest...which is usually food that is not the best for us and leaves us crashing from a sugar high. 

Here are three of our favorite take on-the-go snacks that can help to satisfy your hunger and help to maintain your energy levels throughout the day.

Apples and Peanut Butter

This has been my go-to pregnant snack of choice lately. Just wash, core, and slice your apple and spread on some yummy all-natural peanut butter. If I am home, I warm my peanut butter up on the stove or microwave, and drizzle over my apple slices. Looking for something sweeter? Add some mini chocolate chips and you are in healthy snack heaven. 

Greek Yogurt 
Greek yogurt is  super easy to take with you on-the-go, and tastes delicious. Our favorite brand is Fage Greek Yogurt. We like to buy the plain and add in fresh berries and oats to fill up our tummies for a long day ahead.  Make sure when buying Greek Yogurt you check the nutrition label..many brands or flavored varieties are loaded with un-necessary sugar.  

Smoothies are our absolute favorite way to get nutrition on the move. We prepare our smoothies ahead of time by freezing pre-portioned ingredients. Then, in the morning, we can just blend them and go!  We love adding vegan protein powder to our smoothies to fuel our bodies for active days.  Our biggest smoothie tip? Don't overload with too many fruits. We like to keep to a simple ratio of 1 part liquid, 1 part greens, and 1 part fruit.  


Monday, January 11, 2016

Creamy Chocolate-Coconut Oatmeal

There's just something about a warm bowl of hearty oatmeal in the winter.  Organic whole grain rolled oats are packed with fiber and protein.  Having a bowl of old fashioned oat meal for breakfast is sure to keep you satisfied until lunch, and provide you with the energy you need to start the day.

As a chocoholic, I find all sorts of ways to incorporate the decadent flavor into my healthy lifestyle.  Be hold...oatmeal that tastes like dessert with minimal sugar!

In a small pot place 1/4 cup old fashioned rolled oats to 1/2 cup low calorie coconut milk on medium heat.  Then begin adding the following ingredients:

1 tsp. coconut oil
2 tsp. pure cocoa powder (Hershey's works just fine)
1 tsp. honey (Try local honey)
1 dash of vanilla

Stir and simmer until oatmeal is thick and creamy (5-10 minutes).  If the oatmeal consistency seems dry add more coconut milk.  Place in a bowl and garnish with flaked coconut if desired.  

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Let's Make this New Year a Happy One

It's that time of year again…

Time for new beginnings, new promises, new resolutions.  This is the time of year we all have hope.  We have a fresh start, a real chance to do this new year the way we truly want.  

The most common new year resolution is to be healthier this year than the last.  This results in fitness centers and gyms having the most membership joins in January than every other month in the year.  People really try to eat healthier in the beginning of the new year, or go on a cleanse.  

In addition to becoming healthier in January, people will also attempt to spend less money, enjoy life to the fullest, and maybe try to become more organized.  These are all very wonderful, positive things that would make us all feel better about ourselves.  We can achieve our goals if we actively pursue them.  

So then why do we stop going to the new gym by March 1st?  Why do we begin eating all of those foods we attempted to "give up"?  Why do we find ourselves repeating the same pattern of making resolutions and eventually breaking them each year?

Well, because we are human of course! We live in a very fast paced, stressful world where our new year resolution goes out the window when we have 10 minutes between meetings and picking up the kids to grab a bite to eat. 

We put a lot of pressure on ourselves in January to be a better person.  What if we all decided on one resolution this year?  One that's difficult in today's world, but completely free.  They do say the best things in life are free.  So this one resolution could bring you peace, freedom, and the clarity you need to focus on your goals.  What is it, you ask?

To be completely present.

That's it! These four words are the key.  To live in the moment is the truest form of happiness.  This is a huge challenge, especially today.  We are always worrying and planning and wanting more, more, more.  So to strive to live in the moment is the best way to truly enjoy life.  Being present allows us to stop worrying about the future and allows us to stop replaying the past in our minds.  It gives us the freedom to focus on one moment at a time, one task at a time, one person at a time.  It is the foundation for a happy life.  

The trick is to focus on the current moment.  Put your phone down.  Take one moment and one day at a time.  Remind yourself to stay present.  This is the best new year resolution you can give yourself: the gift of being present. 

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Blendah Babe Winter Sickness Fighter

It is that time of year where germs are spreading like wildfire.  Between the flu, colds, and coughs there is little we can do to escape getting some sort of bug during the winter.

Sure, we follow the age old advice we've known forever.....constantly washing our hands, making sure we get plenty of sleep, eating our vegetables.... Sometimes all of that just isn't enough.  

If you feel a cold or flu-like symptoms coming on, we have a great sickness fighter drink for you to drink at home to help alleviate your symptoms and get you back to feeling 100% in no time.  

Blendah Babes Winter Sickness Fighter :
*Slices of Lemon
*Ginger chunk (peeled)
*Slices of orange
*2 garlic cloves (peeled)
*Natural honey

Place lemon, ginger, orange, and garlic in a pot and fill with water. Bring to a boil.  Once fully boiled, strain liquid into cup and add honey to taste. Drink.  Repeat.  

Let us know if you give our concoction a try, and what you use to fight off germs and stay well.