Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Get Your Steps On...Why We Love Walking

Now that it is starting to get warmer and sunnier out, us Blendah Babes love to get outside and get our steps on. Even just a brisk 30 minute walk, three times  per week is all you need to start boosting your health on levels you wouldn't even know were possible.  Not only does walking improve your overall health and help to burn fat, it improves your overall mood and stress levels.  After a long day at work it can be easy to get home and plop our butts on the couch, but taking the effort to lace up our sneakers and head outside can do us a world of good. Take a look below at some of the amazing benefits of walking.

Walking is great to do by yourself or with a buddy. Carlie & I love to go on long walks together...some of our best brain storming sessions have come from our walking time. In fact, the idea of Blendah Babes came to us while enjoying a nice beach walk together last fall. It is amazing the clarity of thinking a little fresh air can give to you.  
I received a FitBit as a gift last year and it has become one of my most prized belongings.  Wearing this little tracker on my wrist has changed my day to day life.  I am constantly checking my FitBit app to see if I have met my step goal for the day.  If I am short on my steps by dinner time, I make sure I walk around my house or outside until I meet my goal by the end of the day.  
There are many types of fitness trackers/pedometers on the market today and I can't recommend them enough! As I have said before, our greatest wealth is our health. Investing in products that can keep us healthy and active is well worth the cost.  
So come on Blendah Babe nation..what are you waiting for? Get out and get to walking. And if you own a FitBit, please find and add me as a friend-- Carley147. There is nothing better than a little healthy competition to get moving :)

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