Sunday, May 3, 2015

Our Greatest Wealth Is Our Health

Happy Sunday smoothie lovahs! This is Carley with an “EY” checking in with you for today’s blog post. I have been doing a lot of reflecting on my own personal journey to health and happiness and I have a secret to share with all of you… I wasn’t always a health conscious person. Healthy habits were not something that came easily for me---in fact the word “health” is not one I used in my vocabulary at all until recent years.
                Growing up I wasn’t a very active child. I was not interested in sports, outdoor activities, or vegetables.   When I grew into an adult these same habits remained.  I moved in to my first apartment and health was the furthest thing from my mind.  If a meal didn’t come from the freezer and go straight into the microwave I wasn’t cooking it. I was a regular at fast food joints, and  I loved sitting on the couch and watching TV for hours on end.  
                I was constantly tired, worn down, and lacking energy. I never connected the dots that my lifestyle affected how I felt on the inside until more recent years.  As I grew and matured into my early to mid –twenties my hair, skin, and body were maturing and changing in ways I wasn't comfortable with.  My skin was dull and would break out.  I was gaining weight and feeling self–conscious about myself. Overall I was unhappy.  I knew a change had to be made but I didn't know where to start.  So I decided to start one step at a time. 
                Day by day, I started to incorporate small healthy steps into my life.  My first focus was on learning how to cook. Once I began reading recipes and grocery shopping on a regular basis, I started to notice how important the ingredients are in what we eat as well as how we prepare our food.  Taking the extra thirty minutes to prepare a meal with fresh ingredients was a hassle at first, but soon became to be my favorite part of my day. After a couple of weeks I couldn’t wait to come home from work and prepare a new recipe filled with ingredients I knew were good for me.
                Once I started to get my nutrition in check, other aspects of my life started to change as well. I had more energy and my skin was more vibrant.  I didn’t feel tired and sluggish all the timeI realized when I stopped eating poorly, I stopped feeling poorly. That was my first major step in my journey into health and happiness.
                Now a days I beam with joy when someone refers to me as a “health freak” or “in great shape.”  I have worked very hard and pushed myself outside of what was normal and comfortable for me to get this way. I couldn't be happier with where I am today in my journey.  Today, I exercise regularly and actually enjoy working up a sweat.  Five years ago you couldn't get me to run across the street let alone run five miles.  I prepare fresh nutritious meals and love using local ingredients to fuel and sustain my body and mind. Five years ago I would have never believed I would drink a smoothie made with fruits and vegetables daily but now I count on my smoothie and look forward to it every day. 

                They say new habits take 21 days to form into your regular routine. So I challenge you. This month, find a new healthy habit to incorporate into your lifestyle. It could be as small as taking the stairs at work, or a larger feat such as eating clean and green. I challenge you to make this commitment to yourself. Give yourself that full 21 days and I promise the benefits you will see will amaze you.  Push yourself outside your comfort zone and before you know it that habit will become your go-to.  There is no better feeling than feeling alive, energized and vibrant.  Health is the greatest wealth we have. 

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